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LINECARD G12000  CHIP-Ferrit
Link to Database   Size Description off Chip Ferrit Type
G12018   0201  Power Line Aplications Chip Bead
G12019   0201  Low DC Resistance Large Current Chip Beads
G12020   0201  Power Line & Signal Line Chip Beads
G12021   0201  For General Line Chip Beads
G12022   0201  For High-Speed Signal Line Chip Beads
G12035   0201  For General Line Lower DCR Chip Beads
G12052   0201  Multilayer Chip Suppressors Chip Beads
G12008   0402  Standard Current Application Chip Bead
G12015   0402  For Power Application Chip Beads
G12016   0402  ULTRA-Low DC + Power Line  Chip Beads
G12017   0402  High-Speed Signal Line Chip Beads
G12023   0402  For General Line Chip Beads
G12031   0402  For General Line Lower DCR Chip Beads
G12044   0402  GHz High Frequency Ferrit Chip Beads
G12053   0402  Multilayer Chip Suppressors Chip Beads
G12009   0603  Standard Current Application Chip Bead
G12001   0603  High Current Chip Bead
G12024   0603  For Power Line Chip Beads
G12025   0603  High Performance Power Line A Chip Beads
G12026   0603  High Performance Power Line B Chip Beads
G12027   0603  Generell Signal Line A Chip Beads
G12028   0603  High Speed Signal Line Chip Beads
G12029   0603  Generell Signal Line B Chip Beads
G12030   0603  Digital I/F reduced the waveform  Chip Beads
G12032   0603  General Signal Line LOWER DCR  Chip Beads
G12045   0603  GHz High Frequency Ferrit Chip Beads
G12046   0603  High Current for DC-Power Line Chip Beads
G12054   0603  Multilayer Chip Suppressors Chip Beads
G12010   0805  Standard Current Application Chip Bead
G12002   0805  High Current Chip Bead
G12036   0805  General Power Line  Chip Beads
G12037   0805  General Signal Line  Chip Beads
G12038   0805  High Speed Signal Line  Chip Beads
G12039   0805  Digital I/F reduced Waveform  Chip Beads
G12043   0805  General Signal Line Chip Beads
G12047   0805  High Current for DC-Power Line Chip Beads
G12055   0805  Multilayer Chip Suppressors Chip Beads
G12060   0805  High Current DC Power Line Chip Beads
G12011   1206  Standard Current Application Chip Bead
G12003   1206  High Current Chip Bead
G12048   1206  High Current for DC-Power Line Chip Beads
G12056   1206  Multilayer Chip Suppressors Chip Beads
G12061   1206  High Current DC Power Line Chip Beads
G12012   1210  Standard Current Application Chip Bead
G12004   1210  High Current Chip Bead
G12049   1210  High Current for DC-Power Line Chip Beads
G12057   1210  Multilayer Chip Suppressors Chip Beads
G12062   1210  High Current DC Power Line Chip Beads
G12013   1806  Standard Current Application Chip Bead
G12005   1806  High Current Chip Bead
G12050   1806  High Current for DC-Power Line Chip Beads
G12058   1806  Multilayer Chip Suppressors Chip Beads
G12063   1806  High Current DC Power Line Chip Beads
G12014   1812  Standard Current Application Chip Bead
G12006   1812  High Current Chip Bead
G12007   1812  High Current Chip Bead
G12051   1812  High Current for DC-Power Line Chip Beads
G12059   1812  Multilayer Chip Suppressors Chip Beads
G12064   1812  High Current DC Power Line Chip Beads
G12066   1812  High Current DC Power Line Chip Beads 
G12065   1612  High Current DC Power Line Chip Beads
G12067   2220  High Current DC Power Line Chip Beads
G12068   3312  High Current DC Power Line Chip Beads